
Disclosure log 2020


Our disclosure log contains information about applications made under the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) to the department.

Some documents may have details removed, or pages that are blank, because the information is either irrelevant or exempt under the RTI Act.

There may be documents that are currently only available in .PDF format. Should you be unable to read this format please email (include information for contact by phone, email or in writing). We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

Disclosure number200014
Date application made10/02/2020
Details of information requested

Documents in relation to a complaint and investigation of an employee


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of an individual. No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number200051
Date application made09/01/2020
Details of information requested

Documents about the process and appointment of the Principal of an identified school


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Access refused to all documents). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number200100
Date application made07/02/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to an investigation concerning a department employee


No entity nominated

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number200129
Date application made06/02/2020
Details of information requested

Documents created in relation to the processing of a previous Right to Information application


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number200158
Date of application22/01/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor sought access to documents relating to the use of asbestos containing materials in any building or structure at a named tertiary institution


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released Finalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number200360
Date of application04/02/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to the following types of documents held in relation to, or concerning air conditioning in schools:

  1. Ministerial Briefing notes—including attachments
  2. Any reports—including attachments
  3. Any correspondence held by staff within the Office of the Director-General

Date Range: 1 July 2019 to 4 February 2020


Seven Network

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 200360 (PDF, 13.5MB)
Disclosure number200376
Date of application04/02/2020
Details of information requested

Documents held in relation to the Department's decision to provide unisex toilets for students (instead of segregated toilets) at the Fortitude Valley State Secondary College


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies.
Disclosure number200443
Date of application06/02/2020
Details of information requested

Application made to the Office of the Minister

All correspondence to the Minister for Education or her Office from Government MPs asking or lobbying for air-conditioning installations or upgrades for schools in their electorates

Date range: 1 July 2019 to 2 February 2020


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised (Application deemed to be withdrawn). No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number200444
Date of application06/02/2020
Details of information requested

Applicant seeks access to documents relating to an employee of the department


To be published upon finalisation of application

Outcome of application / Documents releasedTo be published upon finalisation of application
Disclosure number200674
Date of application20/02/2020
Details of information requested

Any messages exchanged between the Deputy Premier and the Deputy Director General, Corporate Services. Including but not limited to, emails, text messages and encrypted message services.

Date range: 1 January 2019 to 1 July 2019


Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 200674 (PDF, 2.3MB)
Disclosure number200681
Date of application20/02/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitors seek access to documents relating to the applicant's employment and other matters


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number200773
Date of application26/02/2020
Details of information requested

Application made to the Office of the Minister

The official diaries of Assistant Minister for Education, that set out her meetings taken in her official capacity as Assistant Minister

Date range: 23 September 2019 to 22 February 2020


News Corporation

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 200773 (PDF, 4.5MB)
Disclosure number200808
Date of application26/02/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to any emails sent from an ADG to Regional Directors and/or regional staff concerning the Teachers' Professional Association of Queensland (TPAQ) and TPAQ's standing as a registered organisation

Date range: 17 February 2020 to 20 February 2020


Teachers' Professional Association of Queensland

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 200808 (PDF, 66KB)
Disclosure number200822
Date of application27/02/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to the following types of documents held in relation to, or concerning air conditioning in schools:

  1. Ministerial Briefing notes – including attachments - Date Range – 5 February 2020– 26 February 2020;
  2. Any reports – including attachments - Date Range – 5 February 2020– 26 February 2020;
  3. Any correspondence held by the Director-General - Date Range – 5 February 2020– 26 February 2020; and
  4. Any correspondence held by the Deputy Director-General (Corporate Services) - Date Range – 1 January 2020– 26 February 2020

Seven Network

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 200822 (PDF, 7.1MB)
Disclosure number200902
Date of application2/03/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant sought access to documents relating to any departmental review of an online educational resource


Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Disclosure number200964
Date of application5/03/2020
Details of information requested

Correspondence sent to each Principal advising them that their school is going to receive air-conditioning. Including, the attached spreadsheet and/or table which contained the list of facilities/rooms to receive air-conditioning at their school.

Date range: 1 January 2020 to 5 March 2020


Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 200964 (PDF, 10.4MB)
Disclosure number200965
Date of application5/03/2020
Details of information requested

Any correspondence sent from a Deputy Director-General or Assistant Director-General to Principals mentioning industrial organisations and/or the Teachers' Professional Association of Queensland.

Date range: 1 January 2020 to 5 March 2020


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released Finalised (documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number200966

Date application made


Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to:

1. School bank balances, school cash and cash equivalent balances for each financial year from 2011-2012 to 2018-2019; and

2. Total teacher numbers at the end of each financial year from 2011-2012 to 2018-2019


Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 200966 (PDF, 383KB)

Disclosure number200967

Date application made


Details of information requested

Any documents, reports, briefings or memos regarding:

  • any safety incidents and/or workplace safety breaches and/or near misses involving the installation, repair and/or maintenance of air-conditioning in Queensland state schools, both primary and secondary
  • any photos and/or videos of such instances
  • details regarding a specific incident at Pine Rivers State High School in February 2020 involving a student who was injured after climbing a ladder left behind by a tradesperson.

Date range: 6 September 2019 – 6 March 2020


ABC News

Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 200967 (PDF, 9.5MB)

Disclosure number201066
Date of application12/03/2020
Details of information requested

Any correspondence from the Queensland Teachers Union to members* of the Department's Executive Management Board.

Date range: 1 September 2019 to 11 March 2020

*NB: Excluding the Deputy Director-General of the Office of Industrial Relations


Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 201066 (PDF, 14MB)
Disclosure number201094
Date application made12/03/2020
Details of information requested
Documents containing the following information:

(a) How many students are permanently excluded from attending all Queensland state schools, except schools of distance education, per year; and
(b) The reason description about why each student was permanently excluded.

Date range: 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2019

No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number201256
Date of application20/03/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the employment of department employees


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Disclosure number201360
Date of application17/04/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to the education of the applicant’s child, complaints regarding a specific school and various departmental policies and procedures


Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 201360 (PDF, 3.9MB)

Balance of released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number201466
Date of application23/04/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to the applicant’s education and in relation to an identified employee at an identified school


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 201466 (PDF, 15MB)

Further released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number201580
Date of application07/05/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to a copy of the correspondence (including, but not limited to emails and memorandums) received by the Department between 29 January and 24 April 2020 from Queensland’s Chief Health Officer, Dr Jeanette Young, containing her advice about whether Queensland State Schools should operate, be that remotely, partially open or completely open


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn); No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number201597
Date of application07/05/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to a copy of all documents containing briefing notes or memorandums forwarded to either the Director-General or Minister between 29 January and 24 April 2020 about the capabilities of Education Queensland’s IT systems to facilitate learning at home by children as a result of measures taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn); No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number201692
Date of application15/05/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seeks access to a list of all teaching staff employed at an identified State School for the period 1984 to 1988


Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 201692 part 1 (PDF, 1.6MB)
Documents released under 201692 part 2 (PDF, 882KB)
Disclosure number
Date of application15/05/2020
Details of information requested

Applicant seeks access to the school records of a claimant


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number201762
Date of application01/07/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a child (information sought not revised)


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number201937
Date of application20/05/2020
Details of information requested

All correspondence (including electronic, handwritten, emails, texts, etc), briefing notes and records of meetings (i.e. minutes/summaries) concerning the appointment of the Inner City South Secondary College Principal and/or the related Crime and Corruption Commission investigation, that were exchanged, or have occurred between an identified Department Officer and:

  • the Director General, Department of Education
  • an identified Member of Parliament; or
  • Office of the Minister for Education.

Date range: 1 May 2020 to 15 May 2020


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (the Department neither confirmed nor denied the existence of any relevant documents). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number201999
Date of application27/05/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to a claimant


AAI Limited (traiding as Suncorp Insurance)

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (Application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number202047
Date application made


Details of information requested

Documents revealing the following information about Queensland schools:

  1. Separately for each financial year from 2017 to present, the number of break and enter incidents at schools and the total cost of claims made by schools as a result of break and enter incidents
  2. Separately for each financial year from 2017 to present, the number of vandalism/malicious damage incidents at schools and the total costs of claims made by schools as a result of incidents of vandalism/malicious damage
  3. Separately for each financial year from 2017 to present, the number of arson incidents at schools, broken down by the number of reported cases and major arson incidents, and the cost of claims made by schools as a result of arson incidents
  4. Separately for each financial year from 2017 to present, the total number of incidents causing loss or damage at schools that have resulted in claims being made by schools and the total costs of those claims
  5. The top 5 schools with the most expensive claims as a result of break and enter incidents, vandalism/malicious damage incidents and arson, together with the amount of these claims. Please include related CCTV/video footage and photos

Seven Network

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 202047 (PDF, 10.9MB)

Explicit language has been redacted from these documents. An un-redacted copy of the documents can be accessed by contacting the Department either by telephone on (07) 3513 5858 or by email at

Disclosure number202094
Date of application1/06/2020
Details of information requested

The call logs and records of any electronic messages (including SMS, MMS or WhatsApp) on the mobile telephone of an identified Department Officer, of calls made to, or messages exchanged with an identified Member of Parliament and/or an identified Department Officer

Date range: 1 January 2019 to 1 July 2019


Office of the Leader of the Opposition

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 202094 (PDF, 95KB)
Disclosure number202359
Date of application16/06/2020
Details of information requested

All correspondence (including electronic or handwritten, emails, texts, etc), briefing notes and records of meetings (i.e. minutes/summaries) that were exchanged, or have occurred between an identified Departmental Officer and the Minister for Education.

Date range: 1 April 2019 to 31 May 2019


Nine Network

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 202359 (PDF, 7.7MB)
A video is also available and can be accessed by contacting the Department on (07) 3513 5879
Disclosure number202411
Date of application24/06/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seeks access to documents relating to the applicant, and the following information from an identified state school:

  • school maps
  • list of all staff employed
  • school yearbooks.

Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents (containing the applicants personal information) not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.

Released non-personal documents:
Documents released under 202411 Part 1 (PDF, 9.2MB)
Documents released under 202411 Part 2 (PDF, 25.7MB)

Disclosure number202524
Date of application06/07/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant’s solicitor seeks access to documents relating to the applicant


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedAll documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number202600
Date of application14/07/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person and a named school


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Disclosure number202677
Date of application15/07/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person

ApplicantQBE Insurance
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number202770
Date of application16/07/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant is seeking access to reports, ministerial briefings and attachments, reviews, audits, and correspondence such as emails, since 1 July 2019, relating to work undertaken, or to be undertaken, by consultants engaged to review internal policies, operations or programs

ApplicantNo publication requirement applies
Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number202950
Date of application06/08/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person and a named school

ApplicantNo entity nominated
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Disclosure number203519
Date of application16/10/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to a claimant

ApplicantNo publication requirement applies
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Disclosure number203520
Date application made29/08/2020
Details of information requested
Documents held in relation to overpopulated or overcrowded schools that have more than the recommended number of students, even if on a temporary basis, where demountables, temporary or transportable buildings have been used to address this issue:
  • Ministerial and Director-General briefing notes, including any attachments
  • Hot Issues briefings, including any attachments
  • Correspondence, including any attachments, sent to, and by, the Director-General.
Date range is: 1 July 2019 to 31 August 2020

To be published upon finalisation of application

Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 203520 (PDF, 7MB)
Disclosure number203562
Date of application18/09/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person and the following information of an identified state school:

  • copies of school maps
  • any lists of staff employed at the school
  • copies of any school yearbooks.
ApplicantInformation not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Outcome of application / Documents releasedReleased documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act
Disclosure number203663
Date of application22/09/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the employment of a department employee


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (The department neither confirmed nor denied the existence of any relevant documents). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number203714
Date of application14/10/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the employment of an individual


Bangalow Bowling & Sports Club Limited

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number203754
Date of application11/08/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seek access to documents relating to a claimant's education


The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane

Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised (documents unlocatable). No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number203766
Date of application11/09/2020
Details of information requested
Application made to the Office of the Minister
  1. Any and all specific documents (material evidence) relied upon by Minister for Education (in 2020) to prove, beyond reasonable doubt, that each of the six Ipswich Grammar School Board Members whose appointment Grace Grace has approved under the Grammar Schools Act 2016 (Qld); have been proven by her, to be suitable;
  2. Specific reports, or other documents, provided to Grace Grace by any party asserting that those Board members at IGS are suitable. Defining suitable for what purpose; and
  3. Specific reports provided to Grace Grace (from the Board of IGS) that she has relied upon.
Details of information sought, as revised
  1. All documents (material evidence) relied upon by the Minister Grace in 2020 to prove that each of the six Ipswich Grammar School (IGS) Board Members whose appointment has been approved by the Minister, have been proven by, or to her, that they were suitable for appointment and remain suitable to this day. This would also include any reports or documents provided to the Minister by the Board of IGS that she has relied on when making her decision;
  2. Any reports, or other documents, provided to Minister Grace by any party asserting the Board members at IGS are suitable for appointment. Please note that there is no date range for this dot point and as such concerns any such appointment approvals made by Minister Grace since she became the responsible Minister

No publication requirement applies.

Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised (documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number203807
Date of application21/10/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to a recruitment process involving the applicant


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

All documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number203940
Date of application29/09/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person and a named school


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.

Disclosure number203963
Date application made24/09/2020
Details of information requested
  1. How many code of conduct breaches were issued over the last three years by Principals to teachers in their school?
  2. How many of these breaches were substantiated?
  3. How many stage one disputes were raised under the enterprise agreement?
  4. How many Performance Improvement Plans (PIP's) or Managing Unsatisfactory Performance (MUP's) were issued?

With regard to the above information, the applicant requests totals for the following:

  • The total of each of the above for Queensland as a whole and
  • the total of each of the above per individual school.

Date range: 1 August 2017 to 24 September 2020
Details of information sought, as revised (if applicable)
  1. How many code of conduct breaches were issued over the last three years by Principals to teachers in their school?
  2. How many of these breaches were substantiated?
  3. How many stage one disputes were raised under the enterprise agreement?

With regard to the above information, the applicant requests totals for the following:

  • The total of each of the above for Queensland as a whole and
  • the total of each of the above per individual school.

Date range: 1 August 2017 to 24 September 2020



Outcome of application / Documents released Documents released under 203963
Disclosure number204341
Date of application2/11/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitors sought access to documents relating to the applicant’s education and the following information of an identified state school:

  • copies of school maps
  • staff lists
  • school yearbooks.

Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised (documents non-existent). No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number204524
Date of application01/10/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seeks access to documents relating to the applicant’s education


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedNo publication requirement applies
Disclosure number204537
Date of application30/10/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to their employment


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

All documents contain personal information of the applicant. No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number204568
Date of application16/11/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to a claimant


Uniting Church in Australia
Property Trust Queensland

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number204622
Date of application17/11/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to a claimant


Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust Queensland

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number204668
Date application made5/11/2020
Details of information requested

All documents, including but not limited to, letters, emails, internal memos, external memos, reports, policies, documents, file notes relating to:

  1. Information about maintenance of fencing for property 13B Blady Grass Street, Lockhart and 13A Blady Grass Street Lockhart for the period January 2010 - November 2020;
  2. Information about maintenance of the property in general, for 13B Blady Grass, Street, Lockhart and 13A Blady Grass Street, Lockhart for the period January 2010 - November 2020;
  3. Please also provide policies and procedures in relation to the Department’s dealings with maintenance requests about fencing in the State, and more particularly, in Lockhart;
  4. Information held by the "Local Accommodation Committee" for the Lockhart State School about the properties - 13A Blady Grass Street, Lockhart and 13B Blady Grass Street, Lockhart; and
  5. Lockhart State School records relating to the properties - 13A Blady Grass Street, Lockhart and 13B Blady Grass Street, Lockhart.

    Date range is: 1 January 2010 to 5 November 2020

No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents releasedFinalised (application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies
Disclosure number204670
Date of application05/11/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant is seeking access to the following types of documents held in relation to, or concerning the Brisbane South State Secondary College:

  1. Ministerial Briefing Notes—including attachments
  2. Director-General Briefing Notes—including attachments
  3. any reports—including attachments
  4. any correspondence held by the Director-General.

Date range: 1 September 2020 to 5 November 2020.

ApplicantSeven Network
Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 204670 (PDF, 15MB)

Disclosure number204770
Date of application11/11/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seeks access to documents relating to a claimant's education and a named school


Information not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 204770

Balance of released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number204781
Date of application11/12/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person and any lists of staff employed at two identified state schools


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published persuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number204813
Date of application13/11/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to the education of a person and the following information of an identified state school:

  • copies of school maps
  • any lists of staff employed at the school
  • copies of any school yearbooks.

No entity nominated

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number204873
Date of application17/11/2020
Details of information requested

Documents relating to a recruitment process involving the applicant


No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised (application withdrawn). No publication requirement applies

Disclosure number204918
Date of application18/11/2020

Details of information requested

The applicant seeks access to documents relating to:

  • the policy and/or criteria for the banding and/or re-banding of principal positions at new schools; and

  • the decision to re-band and/or re-classify the principal position at an identified school.


To be published upon finalisation of application

Outcome of application / Documents released

To be published upon finalisation of application

Disclosure number204945
Date of application20/11/2020
Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seeks access to documents relating to the applicant’s education and a named school, specifically:

  • school maps
  • staff lists
  • school yearbooks.

No publication requirement applies

Outcome of application / Documents released

Released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act.

Disclosure number205219
Date of application


Details of information requested

The applicant's solicitor seeks access to documents relating to the applicant’s education and a named school, specifically:

  • school maps
  • staff lists
  • school yearbooks

Details of information sought, as revised (if applicable)

Information sought not revised


Information not permitted to be published persuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Entity seeking benefit from or use documents

No entity nominated

Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 205219

Balance of released documents not permitted to be published pursuant to section 78B(2) of the RTI Act

Disclosure number205246
Date of application


Details of information requested

A list of the current work email addresses of every teacher in Queensland, including the teachers name and the school they work at

Details of information sought, as revised (if applicable)

No publication requirement applies


No publication requirement applies

Entity seeking benefit from or use documents

No publication requirement applies
Outcome of application / Documents released

Finalised – Access refused to all documents. Access also refused at Internal Review

Disclosure number205368
Date of application


Details of information requested

The applicant is seeking access to:

  1. Reports/briefing notes/tables/logs showing: 
    • the number of Department of Education employees who were suspended pending investigation broken down in the following years: 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20;
    • the length of suspension for each suspended employee and outcome;
    • the length of suspension for each employee currently on suspension. 

Timeframe: July 1 2017 – June 30 2020. 

  1. Briefing notes discussing questions by The Courier-Mail on November 19 and a subsequent report in The Courier-Mail on November 28 2020 about issues in the Integrity and Employee Relations division. 

Timeframe: November 19 2020 – November 30 2020.

Details of information sought, as revised (if applicable)

Information sought not revised


The Courier-Mail

Entity seeking benefit from or use documents

No entity nominated

Outcome of application / Documents released

Documents released under 205368

Last updated 15 February 2023