Through the following programs and initiatives, we are achieving our commitment to equity and excellence by delivering responsive services for all Queenslanders and their communities.
Building education
Investing $2.01 billion in 2024–2025 for infrastructure in Queensland state schools.
FamilyLinQ—an integrated school-based hubs connecting education, health and community services (partnership with the Bryan Foundation).
Aware. Protective. Safe. strategy
Keeping all children and young people safe from sexual abuse in Queensland schools and early childhood services.
Human rights
Respecting, protecting and promoting the
human right to freedom, equality and dignity for every person in Queensland.
Department of Education International
education opportunities, programs and experiences for students and teachers from Queensland and overseas.
Public private partnerships
Managing public private partnerships (PPP) to deliver infrastructure in Queensland state schools.
Regional school industry partnership program
Supporting school-to-work transitions through the
Good people. Good jobs: Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022–2032.
Non-state schools accreditation framework review
Ensuring the
accreditation framework is fit for purpose and supports the provision of quality education in Queensland's non-state schools.
Queensland Home Education Unit review
Highlighting the importance of working closely with home educating parents throughout their child's learning journey. The
review recognises the diversity of experience among home education families and the support they need at different times.