
Facts and figures


The department manages an infrastructure asset portfolio with a replacement cost of more than $36 billion which includes:

  • 1,264 state schools
    • 195 secondary schools
    • 929 primary schools
    • 46 special schools
    • 94 combined primary and secondary schools
    • 2 specific purpose schools
    • more than 36,000 learning spaces and support facilities
  • 24 outdoor and environmental education centres
  • more than 170 early childhood services delivered on department-owned land.

Find out more in the Building Education infographic.

Workplace health, safety and wellbeing

Safe and healthy workplaces require a shared commitment from employees, students and others to model safe behaviour and take action to identify, manage and address hazards. Policies and procedures about safe, supportive and healthy work environments for staff and students can be found on the Policy and Procedure Register (PPR) workplace health, safety and wellbeing page.​

Work safe, learn safe, be safe


Asbestos management

The department’s highest priority is the safety of students and staff at all times.

Asbestos is the common term used to describe a naturally-occurring fibrous mineral that was extensively used in building products until the late 1980s because of its durability, fire resistance and thermal insulating properties. All forms of asbestos-based product manufacturing have been nationally banned since 2003. However, the prohibition does not mean that all asbestos containing materials (ACM) installed prior to this date need to be removed. As many Queensland schools and facilities were built before 1990, it is not uncommon for ACM to be present at these sites.

The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, QBuild, monitors the condition of ACM in departmental facilities closely and manages it in accordance with the Queensland Government Asbestos Management Policy.

The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, QBuild, also maintains the Built Environment Materials Information Register (BEMIR). BEMIR is an electronic environmental management system designed to assist government agencies with the management of environmentally significant matters within government controlled and owned buildings.

If an incident occurs in a department-owned facility where confirmed or assumed ACM has been disturbed in a method not consistent with legislative requirements, any staff, students and visitors must immediately vacate the room or area and follow departmental procedures. The Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works, QBuild, tests for ACM and confirms the presence of ACM in the BEMIR.

The asbestos register contains information about the location of known confirmed, assumed or removed asbestos at department-owned facilities. The information provided is a snapshot at the date identified and is updated twice a year.

Last updated 26 September 2024