Purchases under existing supply arrangements or contracts
The terms and conditions used by the Department of Education (DoE) will depend on how the goods and/or services have been sourced. Goods purchased under an existing supply arrangement or contract established by the department or other Government department will be made under the terms and conditions of that supply arrangement or contract. If an existing supply arrangement or contract is being used, the supply arrangement or contract reference number should be quoted at the time the order is placed. For standing offer, preferred supplier and pre-qualified supplier arrangements, the applicable
government terms and conditions are used for these supply arrangements.
Purchasing terms and conditions
Where a purchase is not being made under an existing supply arrangement or contract, the terms and conditions of contract for the purchase will be referenced on the request for quotation form, purchase order or another document. The department's current standard terms and conditions of contract for purchases of up to $250,000 are:
If an order was placed prior to the current standard terms and conditions,
previous government terms and conditions may apply to a purchase if quoted on the purchase order or other document.
Previous versions of department-specific conditions (including the department's conditions of offer) may be obtained by contacting Procurement and Facilities Services at
Purchases over $250,000 are conducted by Procurement and Facilities Services using the appropriate terms and conditions.
DoE supplier code of conduct
In addition to the relevant terms and conditions, the department's
supplier code of conduct applies to all suppliers engaged by DoE. Suppliers are also to comply with the department's
guide for gifts, incentives and free items when dealing with departmental personnel.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) terms and conditions
Queensland state schools are required to undertake a procurement process when looking to outsource the provision of Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) services. The following documents contain details on the procurement processes and OSHC terms and conditions: