As ancillary and support staff, you contribute to the efficient running of the school. Strong professional rapport between support staff and teachers is essential; by working together you create the best environment for students.
Roles include:
Mandatory induction
As public servants and department staff, we must be proactive and responsible for our actions, behaving ethically and professionally at all times and upholding the public sector values. We can all ensure our currency of knowledge by completing the relevant mandatory training specific to our role.
Mandatory training requirements will depend on your role, responsibilities and location.
Mandatory Annual Training Ready Reckoner provides information on required programs.
induction planner provides a guide for the information you can expect to receive as part of your induction.
Developing performance
Developing Performance Framework provides an ongoing process for conversations with your team leader to discuss your capabilities and your career aspirations, and to plan further professional development.
Policy and Procedure Register
Policy instruments express the intentions of the government and/or the department together with the actions to be taken to achieve the intended outcomes.
Departmental procedures provide step-by-step guidance in meeting departmental and employee obligations.
Policy and Procedure Register provides access to legislation, directives, policies and procedures under relevant headings for ease of access.
State schools are located across seven departmental