

​​AAustralian CurriculumThe Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what all young Australians should be taught
Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)A population measure of how children have developed by the time they start school. Data is captured on 5 domains of early childhood development: physical health and wellbeing, social competence, emotional maturity, language and cognitive skills, and communication skills and general knowledge. It is a national census conducted every 3-years with the last census conducted in 2021
Apparent Retention RateThe apparent retention rate is an indicative measure of the number of full-time school students in a designated year level of schooling as a percentage of their respective cohort group in a base year
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)The ATAR is the primary mechanism used nationally for tertiary admissions and indicates a student's position relative to other students. It is the standard measure of a student's overall academic achievement in relation to other students where those students have studied different subject combinations
CCertificateEither a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)
EEarly retirementIs where an employee accepts an early retirement package in exchange for voluntarily terminating their employment with an agency
Equity and ExcellenceThe department's strategy to deliver a progressive, high performing education system realising the potential of every student
FFlexible work arrangementsAlternative working arrangements, such as working from home or adjusting where, how and when we work
Full-time equivalent (FTE)A representative number that is calculated by assessing the hours worked over the financial year by all full-time and part-time employees, and converting this to a corresponding number of employees as if all staff were full-time
GGenerative Artificial Intelligence (AI)Generative AI refers to a branch of artificial intelligence that uses data it has been trained on to generate new content, such as text, images, videos or software code, resembling what humans can produce
IIndigenousA person who identifies to be of Aboriginal origin or Torres Strait Islander origin
KKindergarten (Kindy)An education program delivered to children in the year before full-time school by a qualified early childhood teacher for 600 hours a year. Government-approved kindergarten programs are available in a range of settings, including standalone kindergarten services, and kindergarten services operated by non-state schools, long day care services, and selected schools in some remote and discrete Indigenous communities
MMachinery-of-government changesA transfer of functions or responsibilities between public service entities
Minimum obligatory human resource information (MOHRI)Minimum obligatory human resource information (MOHRI) is the data Queensland Government agencies must provide for the Queensland public sector workforce profile report
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)Use of 2 identity verification methods, such as a password smartphone verification, to prevent unauthorised access to information technology systems
NNational Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)Annual tests conducted nationally in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 covering reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. The results provide information for teachers and schools on individual student performance on a national basis. This is used to identify areas of strength and where further assistance may be required. NAPLAN tests are part of a collaborative process between states and territories, the Australian Government and non-government school sectors
National Minimum Standard (NMS)The National Minimum standards were the former nationally set standards against which the results of NAPLAN tests were compared
National Quality FrameworkThe National Quality Framework provides for the regulation and quality assessment and rating of long day care, family day care, preschool/ kindergarten, and outside school hours care services across Australia. The framework includes the National Law and National Regulations, the National Quality Standard, an assessment and quality rating process and national learning frameworks
National Quality StandardA key aspect of the National Quality Framework and sets a national benchmark for early childhood education and care services
PPedagogyThe method and practice of teaching
PortfolioThe department or group of departments for which a Minister is responsible
A full-time, compulsory program that replaced preschool. It runs 5 days a week and follows the established school times and routines. Taking a play- and inquiry-based approach to learning, Prep is offered at every Queensland state school and selected independent and Catholic schools
QQueensland Certificate of Education (QCE)The QCE is Queensland's senior secondary schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements. It is awarded to eligible students (usually at the end of Year 12) by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA)The QCIA recognises and reports the achievements of students whose learning is part of an individual learning program. It is an official record that students have completed at least 12 years of education and provides students with a summary of their skills and knowledge to present to employers and training providers
RRedundancyThe situation where a permanent position or function becomes redundant as a result of workplace change and this leads to a decision by the chief executive to terminate the employee's employment. For further information see 04/18—Early Retirement, Redundancy and Retrenchment
RetrenchmentThe termination of employment of an employee whose position is redundant and for whom action to support employment security under 01/22 Supporting employees affected by workplace change has been reasonably exhausted
SSenior Executive Service (SES)The SES comprises senior executive officers employed under section 188 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld) but does not include chief executives, senior officers and officers appointed under section 155 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld)
Strategic PlanThe document which provides the agency's purpose and direction. It outlines the department's overall objectives (including its contribution to whole-of-government objectives, ambitions and targets) and how it will know if it has achieved those agency objectives ​(performance i​ndicators)
Last updated 03 October 2024