We are committed to providing induction for all employees who are beginning new roles and responsibilities. It is the department's expectation that all newly-appointed employees are equipped with the knowledge they require to do their job effectively, as well as an understanding of their specific workplace context and how their role aligns with the priorities of the whole organisation.
Induction is both an individual and collective responsibility, and is delivered at all levels of our department. Induction is tailored to a location such as a central office, regional office or state school.
All staff complete relevant mandatory training upon commencement with the department. Staff will also be required to undertake mandatory training annually or as required throughout the duration of their employment. Mandatory training provides an overview of what it means to work within a legal and ethical framework and ensures compliance with legislation and policy.
All volunteers, contractors and visitors are also required to participate in mandatory induction processes. This involves reading the
Mandatory All-Staff Training key messages guide and completing an annual declaration.
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