
Queensland Schools Planning Reference Committee


The Queensland Schools Planning Reference Committee's (QSPRC) purpose is to establish and maintain a consultative, cross-sector process to:

  • assess the impact of population growth and to inform the planning of new schools in Queensland
  • provide advice to government on general issues relating to the planning of new schools and possible reforms to assist in the timely, collaborative and efficient delivery of educational infrastructure for growth areas
  • investigate and consult further on the role of a Schools Planning Forum, proposed to meet on an annual basis, with representatives from the education sectors, local government, state government planning department and development industry to discuss issues relating to planning for new schools.

QSPRC background

The Queensland School Planning Commission was a Ministerial Advisory Committee tasked in 2012 with improving processes for the planning of Queensland schools in consultation with key sectorial stakeholders. The work of the commission was completed in July 2014 following submission of a second and final report and delivery on its ministerial mandate.

A recommendation from the commission's final report was to continue ongoing consultation about future demand mapping for new state and non-state school requirements in collaboration with key stakeholders. Consequently, the QSPRC will continue to consult with cross-sectoral stakeholders to provide advice on the planning and delivery of future schools in Queensland.

QSPRC membership

QSPRC committee chair

  • Executive Director—Strategy and Service Planning, Infrastructure Services Division, Department of Education (DoE)

QSPRC committee members

  • Manager—Capital Programs, Queensland Catholic Education Commission
  • Manager—Planning and Facilities, Brisbane Catholic Education
  • General Manager—Queensland Independent Schools Block Grant Authority
  • Lead—Planning and Development, Development and Environment, Local Government Association of Queensland
  • Team Leader—Consolidated Projection Project, Queensland Government Statistician's Office (QGSO), Queensland Treasury
  • Director—Social Infrastructure Strategy, Department of State Development and Infrastructure

QSPRC terms of reference

The QSPRC terms of reference document outlines the terms in which the committee operates.

QSPRC cross-sectoral new school demand mapping

Under the umbrella of the QSPRC, regular consultation occurs with local councils experiencing or expecting significant population growth. Population projections provided by the QGSO and by participating councils is analysed and compared to existing cross-sectoral school capacity to determine the future new school demand within council areas. Cross-sectoral demand mapping meetings include a broad range of stakeholders including representatives from:

  • the Department of Education
  • the Queensland Catholic Education Commission and local Catholic diocese
  • Independent Schools Queensland and the Independent Schools Block Grant Authority
  • the participating local council
  • QGSO
  • local non-government schools
  • other Queensland Government departments.

The QSPRC commenced the latest round of demand mapping in late 2023, with the goal of completion by mid-2024. This mapping builds upon the 2023 edition of the Queensland population projections prepared by the QGSO. Demand mapping will be progressively released once available. Access the demand maps for these local councils below:

The QSPRC has previously undertaken demand mapping utilising the 2018 edition of the Queensland population projections in 2019–20 and in 2017–18 based on the 2015 edition of the Queensland population projections. The outcomes from these previous demand mapping exercises are available below.


School-age population projections and interactive map

The QGSO prepares school-age population projections based on the most recent Queensland population projections, which inform the demand mapping meetings, and an interactive projected school-aged persons map. Data and mapping are publicly available from the QGSO webpage.

Queensland school site selection guide

Representatives from the state and non-state state education sectors have collaboratively developed a Queensland school site selection guide to provide developers, design consultants and local governments with an overview of the considerations for the selection of school sites for all school sectors in Queensland.

The Department of Education also has its own detailed site selection guideline.

Schools Planning Forums

The Schools Planning Forums will provide an insight into issues, opportunities and collaborative efforts to improve schools planning in Queensland. A School Planning Forum was held in October and November 2022. The first School Planning Forum was held in August and September 2020.

Contact QSPRC

The Infrastructure Services Branch of DoE hosts the secretariat function for the QSPRC.

The QSPRC is contactable, through the secretariat, by emailing

Last updated 24 September 2024